
Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF)
Progressive Tigray University Students established a political Association Called Tigray National Organization (TNO) in 1974. This Organization leaders recruit from each provinces of the then Administrative vision. Based on this Mr. Seum Besfin, Mr. Abay Tsehay, Mr. Agazi Gesese, Mr. Aregawi Berhe, Mr. Geday Zeratseyon, and Mr. Hailu Mengesha elected as the leader of the organization. After continuous evaluation of the Derg regime, TNO decided that, the only way out to demise this regime is “long run rural based guar ilea fighting. TNO hold its final session on February 1975 in which it decided to start the guarilea fighting at Dedebeit and its name changed to Tigray People’s liberation Movement later in 1979 renamed again as Tigray people’s liberation Front (TPLF) then on wards the party holds this name. From 1795 – 1979 TPLF in Sum wage 85 military campaigns against Derg, EDU, EPRP and ELM. In general TPLF was a role model for other Nations and Nationalities that wanted to get organized and fight against the opperssiveregime. It was one of the founding members of the EPRDF.
