
The 30th founding anniversary of the Amhara Nation Democratic Movement was colorfully celebrated on November 20, 2010 in Bahirdar city in the presence of Ato Meles Zenawi, Chairman of the EPRDF and Prime Minister of FDRE . Prime Minister Meles Zenawi noted in his speech at the celebration that the present ANDM founded by few brave fighters of the EPDM 30 years ago has succeeded in becoming victorious withstanding the thorny armed struggle along with partner democratic forces. He further stated that tangible and satisfactory change has been registered throughout the country with the participation of the over 80 million people in development alongside the EPRDF. The role of the leadership of the EPRDF is mainly credit for the change as they played huge role in ensuring the participation of the public at various levels, the PM added. According to Ato Meles, a five-year growth and transformation plan which enables the nation to join the better developed countries by ensuring the continuity of the renaissance of the country is designed. He urged all members of the EPRDF and the public to strive for the realization of the plan that will advance the progress of the new Ethiopia. ANDM Chairman Ato Demeke Mekonnen on his part noted that the Movement has been providing firm leadership that helped fight chauvinism and cultivate Amhara nationalism thus ensuring the voluntary and collective creation of the union of the peoples in establishing their country. The Chairman, who recalled the registration of an all-round growth in the region, confirmed the commitment of the Movement to further exert strenuous effort to meet the building of a developed and democratic system by rallying the inhabitants of the region alongside the organization. The celebration in Bahirdar was massively attended by the residents of the city, foreign and local guests as well as officials of the federal and regional governments. The two-day celebration encompassed bazaar, symposium, documentary film on the armed struggle and other events.