
The Council of the Ethiopian Peoplesâ?? Revolutionary Democratic Front has evaluated the implementation of the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) during the past six months and set directions to further improve the performance. At its regular session held in the capital city recently, the Council confirmed that the directions set to render integrated support to farmers by solving attitudinal and skill problems of executive bodies in rural development works have been encouraging. It further stressed the need for the building of the capacity of development forces in natural resources protection and basin development as well as irrigation in order to further strengthen the performance of the sector. The Council indicated that the assistance and incentive extended to private investors in the rural development sector would further be consolidated in an organized manner as it is generating positive result. With respect to urban development works, the evaluation of the Council has affirmed that the detailed preparation of the development strategy in this sector has created favorable situation since micro and small-scale enterprises are central to the GTP. The Council has agreed to next focus on tackling problems related to rent-seeking at all levels through public involvement and popular struggle on the basis of the experiences gained so far. The Council of EPRDF, which recalled the strenuous efforts that have been exerted to bring about radical change in the three levels of education, stated that the effort to improve the management of higher education and to consolidate the quality and relevance of education is yielding satisfactory result. It thus resolved to further bolster the effort and the momentum as well as the breadth of the movement in conformity with the direction set. The Council also evaluated the implementation of the Civil Service Reform and concluded that the effort underway to enhance the development of the country by drying up the sources of rent-seeking and improving services has brought about positive result. With respect to solving problems of efficiency and establishing order in tax collection, urban land administration and trade activities in particular, the Council commended the efforts underway as they are registering encouraging results. It also underlined that strenuous efforts would be made to uproot the widespread rent-seeking problem in these sectors by involving the public, which is the victim of the problem. The Council concluded its meeting by approving the recommendations on political and organizational issues of Ethiopians residing abroad and foreigners of Ethiopian origin as well as worker members. It also deliberated upon other current issues.